The Nature of Life: On Biodiversity and Ecology with Ben Friton at The REED Center A Photo Essay
Photo Essay, Biodiversity John Canan Photo Essay, Biodiversity John Canan

The Nature of Life: On Biodiversity and Ecology with Ben Friton at The REED Center A Photo Essay

A snow day conversation at The Reed Center with Ben Friton, soil ecologist and executive director for The Reed Center in Middletown, Maryland, and the “micro-Jordan for the trees. He discusses the environment, biodiversity, and human interaction with nature. Topics include food forests, cultivating crops, soil health, gift economy, and the repercussions of human actions on ecosystems. Ben also discusses the evolution of plants, their adaptability, and the importance of working in harmony with nature through projects and personal experiences. The conversation emphasizes the need to understand and work with nature for sustainable practices and the balance of ecosystems.

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